日曜日, 8月 07, 2005

Notes from the Daigua

Today is my last full day on U.S. soil. I have a ton of packing to do, including all the new clothing I bought and my new iBook (yay!), and all the stuff I stocked up on that I can't get easily in Japan. But I'll worry about all that later.

Observations from my visit home:
- Americans are fat. And loud. And have really annoying cell phone conversations in public places. But they do have beautiful teeth.
- The food here, while delicious, comes in portions which are way too big and way too rich.
- Upstate NY is now full of racists and homophobes. I'm very scared of this trend.
- Canandaigua doesn't change.
- Having more than three varieties of beer to choose from is absolutely awesome.
- Jagerbombs are also awesome.
- Canandaigua Lake is so beautiful, which is why I spent at least two hours every day at the lake house.
- US Weekly is cheap and good reading.
- Wegmans subs still rule. As do chicken wings and proper pizza.
- It's really hard, and scary, to adjust back to driving on the right side of the road.
- Having the ability to communicate all the time is underrated.

Ok, that's all I've got for now. Even though things are gonna be different when I get back to Niigata, I think another year will be good for me. I'm glad I didn't decide come home this year, because let's face it - there's not much for me in the States right now. And I have lots of exciting travel plans including Thailand, Hong Kong, India and mainland China. It's gonna be awesome. And it'll be exciting to follow Cory and Jared's move to Portland - where I plan on joining them at this time next year. Right, now I have tons of errands to run!


Blogger Steve Bonus said...

YES! Portland is the place! We're starting the collective of weirdos that will get shit done!

8:38 午前, 8月 08, 2005  


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