土曜日, 7月 16, 2005

I have a serious shopping problem!

I don't know what the deal is, but recently, the only thing I can think of is shopping. Kristen says the shopping is ok - it makes us feel better in this wacky country... I don't know.
Since I'm going home in a few weeks, I have taken the opportunity to do a bit of no-import tax online shopping... I've spent about $400. No joke.
This on top of the ridiculous amount I spend in Japan. Dropped into Setan (deadly deadly deadly store) one day and went hogwild on a new bag (do I need a new bag? no!) and all kinds of fabulous things at Origins.
One Friday I went into Niigata a bit early for class. I had about 30 minutes to spare so I parked my car and stopped into Beams on the way, there was a big old sale so in 4 seconds walked out with 6000 yen of merchandise. Didn't try anything on, just decided to buy.
This is bad! But my saving 5man a month plan starts in January... after my trips to Thailand in September, Hong Kong in October, and India (?) in December/January. Yes, must save!