月曜日, 1月 01, 2007

Dear friends,

I have changed my photo site to a flickr account. I have also uploaded New Years pictures. Go look.


木曜日, 11月 30, 2006

My blogging skills are failing me more and more each month.

I wanted to post a few thing, mostly in image form:

This is my car. I just bought it.

This is the cake we made for Cory's birthday

Jared, Cory, Jeremy and I engaging in Wet-Dry Vac behavior

This photo should totally be the new ad for Chopsticks. Yeah.

This is the invite to the holday party Sarah and I are throwing. Come!

Other than that - Thanksgiving was fun. Going home for Xmas. Have new party dresses and shoes for the holdays. Can't write complete sentences.


月曜日, 11月 06, 2006

News Briefs

- I have short hair now (again).
- I'm applying to grad schools for next fall.
- I found the perfect pair of boots this weekend after weeks of searching.

I'll elaborate later. Probably.

月曜日, 10月 30, 2006

Halloween Hotness

This is obviously futuristic make up.

And this is obviously how they did make up 3 million years ago.

Um, yes?

Johanna and Sarah

Sarah's blurry cause she's from 2146

Those dudes were at the party? I had no idea.

金曜日, 10月 20, 2006

It's Fall!

水曜日, 10月 18, 2006

We're Having a Party!

Here's the flier Sarah made:

日曜日, 10月 15, 2006

Aaand, we're back

Hi everyone. Honto gomen for the MIA-ness of late. I'm connected to the "interweb" again and wondering how much I'll be keeping up with this blog thing. It appears that people want to know what I'm up to but how much self-indulgent writing I'll be engaging in remains to be seen. I'll try, though.

Anyway, good lord it's been awhile. Here I'll do a list entitled "Major Things That Have Happened In The Past Two Months Or So":
-My mom came to visit.
-I turned 24.
-I was unemployed for about 6 weeks.
-I got a job just in the nick of time through a temp agency. The woman at the temp agency almost made me cry by telling me I wasn't worth more than $12 an hour, that my degree was a mistake, and that no employer would let me go home for Christmas. We can't hate her that much though cause I got a job offer that day.
-My job, by the way, is as a receptionist (or as I like to call it, Director of First Impressions) at a CPA firm. The people are nice and this is the view I have from the patio where I eat lunch when it's nice out. Not too shabby.

-I survived a big deadline week at work. It was merely a sneak preview into the hell that will be tax season (January-April 15th).
-I've bought several pairs of new shoes.
-I've met a whole bunch of ridiculously cool people. Most of whom either grew up or went to college in Upstate New York. Funny to be on the west coast in a house full of east coasters.
-I spent the month of August embroiled in a hot affair with a 22 year old skater who is sponsored by 3 companies. So hot but so dumb. Do the math, Dony!
-I went on a date last weekend with a boring computer engineer. I ended that date with a handshake. Seriously.
-I've been out to the Oregon Coast and inland to Hood River and Multnomah Falls. The nature out here is amazing. See photos below.
-Took a trip out to a random river one steamy day. Funny to see how awesomely country this state is outside of Portland.
-I finally started decorating my room. It looks good but still a lot of white space on the walls. Sarah and I are throwing a party here next weekend. It's called the "Help us decorate out apartment party". Anyone who comes has to bring something to hang on the wall. Awesome!
-Um, what else. I'm gonna get my nose pierced today (thanks to Tokyo Laura for the inspiration).

And now for photo time
Surfers walking in the woods to the secret beach we found. Awesome.

The secret beach.

Multnomah Falls

Cory and I sitting on a log sans pants. Getting in touch with our west coast hick roots.

Hood River

And that's all I've got for now. Rest assured that Portland is awesome and everything is well. And anyone who wants to come visit has a spot on the futon.

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