水曜日, 9月 13, 2006


Makiko is coming to visit me in January!

Yay yay yay!

月曜日, 9月 11, 2006

Workin' it

Starting Monday, September 18th, I will be employed. The job is nothing terribly exciting but the hours are reasonable, the pay is ok and I get health insurance. And it's only 3 miles from my apartment so I could bike there if I were to feel inspired. And now I'll be able to pay my rent. Joy!

I know my 3 loyal readers are dying for pictures. But spotty wireless internet cafe connections make this difficult. I'm gonna try it now, and I'll probably have to wait for 45 minutes so please appreciate.

In random order:
The view from the roof of an apartment building where we had a beer-b-q back in August.

We 'acquired' this chair from a parking lot. Cory made me push him down the road in it.

Cloudy day on the Oregon coast.

Me and Mommy from her visit.

The boys.

My beautiful best friend/roommate and I in a tree.


火曜日, 9月 05, 2006


Ya know what sucks? Job searching.

And having $356 in my bank account. Can't wait til my rent, student loan and credit card payments are all due in like 3 weeks.

And I'm gonna be 24 in a few days. Anyone anticipating a life freak-out? A few more grey hairs?

Everything else is hotness though.