火曜日, 10月 11, 2005

Melissa needs no introduction.

OK, I have two very random comments to make before I spend loads of time doing my Hong Kong update (relax, my 4 loyal readers, I'll do it this week)....

1. ***Aaron, don't read this part*** My disappointing discovery of the week: Coolish is no good when it's not straight from the combini freezer!
So Aaron gave me a 6 pack of Coolish (and a Chanel bag from Bambi and Dad) for my birthday and I was super excited. I put it in the freezer before Hong Kong. After school today, I was all worked up for a nice strawberry Coolish as my afterschool snack so I ripped it out of the freezer and untwisted the cap. But I noticed the package had a huge air bubble in it - not at all like the firm packaging from the freezer at 7-11. So I tried and tried to suck the lovely strawberry ice from it's foil, but it would't come out! Disappointed but not beaten, I decided I'd cut the pack open and put it into a bowl - thus reducing much of the fun of eating a Coolish but not the refreshing flavor. Well, I was wrong! It was all slivery and gross - like when you leave the ice cream out too long and then put it back into the freezer. What a bummer! Maybe that's what the -8 degrees C thing on the package is all about...

For those who've never had the pleasure and priviledge of a Coolish, here's what it looks like:

2. I got this hot new tip (for the desperately bored) from someone. When you enter your name plus the word needs into Google and do a search, you get many minutes of entertainment. In addition to the title of this blog post, here's some of the goodies I got from "Melissa needs..."
- Melissa needs to board the blob ship that is hovering overhead. (whaaa?)
- Melissa needs to increase her votes from 25% to 50%+1. Being the smart young lady that she is, Melissa will probably aim for 75%-100% of the vote. (my family would be so proud!)
- The new slave-girl Melissa needs a shoulder to cry on. (my personal favorite)
- Melissa needs some more shoes! (can't argue with that!)
- Melissa needs to toughen up. (cause I'm not badass enough)
- What follows here is what everyone needs to know to be safe from Melissa.

How funny! If you are particularly awesome (or lame, whatever), feel free to post your own favorite results in my comments section - enter desperate plea for comments that will make me look and feel cooler...


Anonymous 匿名 said...

being the most bored of your 4 loyal readers, here goes:

1. She believes Sarah needs Cheerleading. (we all knew this in 10th grade!)
2. Sarah needs someone who can escort her from port to port. (preferably wealthy, male and rock-star cute)
3. Sarah needs a root canal. (probably true)
4. Sarah needs comforting Fotographic information. (foto? comforting?)
5.Suppose Sarah needs to be hooked up to a respirator in order to survive, and suppose Sarah owns the respirator. (this one was in a pro-life article, yikes!)
6. Sarah needs to EAT something other than her husband's cum. (this one can stand alone))
7. Sarah needs you too.

perhaps the only time in my life that I've been glad to have a constant spot on the top 10 baby name list.

10:19 午後, 10月 11, 2005  
Blogger melissa said...

ahh, Sarah that was brilliant. I'm a little uncomfortable with the husband's cum one, though.

Next week's search and post will be your name + has!

12:27 午前, 10月 12, 2005  
Anonymous 匿名 said...

This is amazing. I am not going to get any work done this morning. Here are some of my favorites:

1. Kristen needs a new Connection Petition. (What does that even mean??)
2. Kristen needs book money for class but has no skills besides fucking. (I think we all knew that... )
3. Kristen has been labelled special needs by the public school she attended. (That would be Horigane JH in Nagano)
4. Kristen needs to stop playing games with guys. (as if I have guys to play games with)
5. Kristen needs to be slapped for that brochure. (What? I thought everybody LOVED "Lord of the Rings: A Fan's Bible." I sent it to everyone I could think of)

5:54 午前, 10月 18, 2005  
Blogger melissa said...

Oh god, Kristen, thank you for that. I can sleep happy now!

7:00 午前, 10月 18, 2005  


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